From Page 29 Attitude If they complete the course they will graduate with a high school diploma. A pre vocational or "direct employment" will start at Grade VII to 10 course, per cent of the student body who normally leave school before Grade IX. This group would include students who have failed at least twice before reaching Grade VI. This fall students in this category are enrolled in these classes: Ernest Manning, 3. James Fowler, Elboya, Fairview and David Oughton schools, 1 each.
0 0 IF STUDENTS in the junior vocational academic course show good results and upgrade their standings it will be possible for them to switch to a different program at the end of Grade VII or IX. Students in the junior program have no option of making a change at the end of Grade VIII. If a student proves by his efforts that he can and wants to continue into high school at the end Grade IX, then departmentals must be written for him to qualify even if this means repeating Grade IX. Parental consent is required for all "streaming" done by the school system. The public schools are confident the new secondary education plan will do a job that a straight academic course could not achieve- keep disinterested students at school beyond the Grade VI level-and slant instruction to a student's capabilities.
0 SOME OF THE courses are also geared to fit in to programs offered by the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology. Anyone completing the four high school program will receive credits equal to one year spent at the Tech. Never before have the public schools had a working arrange ment with a school of technology. What will be the role of Cal- gary's two new vocational-academic high schools under the secondary program? Officials say Ernest Manning and James Fowler high schools will be community schools but will offer more comprehensive vocational education than is possible at normal composite high schoolsthose which have technical and commercial facilities. The two schools, whose construction was spurred by tremendous federal provincial grants, will be operated much along the lines as the other nine composite high schools in Calgary.
STUDENTS HAVE BEEN enrolled at Ernest Manning and James Fowler. These are the Grade students streamed along specific academic-vocational lines and the first group of Grade VII students starting the junior vocationalacademic course which ends after Grade IX. James Fowler will serve the area north of the Bow River and Ernest Manning south of the Bow. The public must accept the idea that all students should Praised be educated, but not all in the same mold. The new schools and the new programs allow the public to drop the matriculation status symbol more graciously.
Says Les Roberts, principal at Ernest Manning: proprograms are oversubscribed, they are realistic and our staff is competent, Our graduates cannot all be trained to the same plane, but if they are able to graduate they'll be a credit to the program." HERALD BOX REPLIES LETTERS addressed to the. following box holders are available at the Want Ad office on presentation of box ticket. Office open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday.
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Births KESTEVEN- and Phoebe are very happy to announce the arrival of Darlene Margaret, 7 15 Sept. 10th, 1963. A sister for George, Leonard and Cameron. Thanks to Dr. Naylor and Grace Hospital staff.
PAULSON Lowell and Arlene Paulson (nee Baxter) are proud to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter, Jennifer Eileen, on August 29th, 1963, born May 4th, 1963, at St. John's Newfoundland. A sister for Christopher. SLATER Ken and Deirdrie are happy to announce the birth of a son, David Edmond, Sept, 1st. WICE Myrna and Alfred announce the birth of their daughter, Melonie Joy, on August 23rd.
1963. Thanks to Dr. E. Ostry and Staff at the Calgary General Hospital. MORAN To Mr.
and Mrs. James E. Moran (nee Mabel Anderson) on Monday, September 9th, 1963, 9:40 a.m. at Holy Cross Hospital, a daughter, Tara Katherine, 6 3 ozs. A sister for Paddy, Brent and Leah.
4 Deaths Births SWANSON Sept. 10th, John, aged 58 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Grace Swanson, Palo California. Announcements later by McHUGH and TIGHE Funeral Directors Ltd. MEIER Sept.
10, Thomas, aged 88 years, Calgary Announcements later by McHUGH and TIGHE Funeral Directors Ltd. HOLLAND Sept, 11th, ence Holland, beloved wife of Mr. Lionel Ed Holland, Ste. 109 1068 Burnaby Vancouver. formerly of Calgary, Also survived by a daughter, 2 sons and 10 grandchildren.
Interment in Vancouver. LOGIE September 10th. Peter Foster Logie. 1525 14th Ave. S.W.
beloved father of Mrs. Isabelle Herd, 904 Royal Ave. Services conducted by Rev. J. Lowery will be held from GOODER'S Hillside Chapel on Friday at 1:30 p.m.
Cremation In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Eastern Star Home fund. Phone AV 9-5851. WAGNER September 11th, Judy beloved Jo Wagner, aged 18 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Errol R.
Wagner, Whitecourt, AlAnnouncements later by JACQUES Funeral Home. EDWARDS September 10th, Mrs. Caroline (Chris) Edwards, beloved mother of Miss Joyce Edwards 253 21st Ave. N.E. Born at Aberdeen, Scotland, she came to Calgary in 1925.
Mrs. Edwards was a member of St. Andrew's Caledonian Society. Also surviving are several sisters and brothers in Scotland. She was predeceased by her husband, William on February 14th of this year.
Services at "The Little Chapel on the Corner" (JACQUES Funeral Home) Saturday at 1:30 p.m. Rev. A. S. Wood officiating.
Interment Queen's Park Cemetery. CHERTKOW Sept. 11th. Ja- cob Moses Chertkow. aged 64 years, of Apt.
203, 724 7th Ave. S.W. after a brief illness. Born in Odessa, Russia, he came to Caled gary 25 years ago, and was engagin the general insurance business. Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Gertie Chertkow, Saskatoon: one son, Dr. Gerald Chertkow, Saskatoon; one daughter, Mrs. M. Gallman, Saskatoon; seven grandchildren; remains three brothers; one sister. The were forwarded to Saskathis toon for afternoon.
services and interment McINNIS and HOLLOWAY Ltd. Funeral Directors. STERRIKER Sept. 11th, Anne, aged 51 years, beloved wife of Mr. George Sterriker of Apt.
1, 724 17th Ave. S.W., in a local hospital, after a lengthy illness. Born at Gilbert Plains, Mrs. Sterriker had lived in Calgary for the past 33 years. Besides her loving husband she is survived by one sister, Mrs.
H. (Rose) Hunt, Brooklyn N.Y.: seven brothers, William Tokar. Michael Tokar, Andrew Tokar, and George Tokar, all of Chicago. James Tokar and John Tokar of Gilbert Plains, and Walter Tokar in British Columbia. Remains are resting at "Park Memorial Services will be held at McINNIS and HOLLOWAY Park Memorial Chapel (15th Ave.
and 4th St. S.W.), Sat. at 11 a.m. Interment Queen's Park Cemetery. Courtesy parking south of the chapel.
CHESNEY September 10th. Ursula aged 43 years beloved wife of Mr. Arthur Chesney 1015 24th Ave. N.W. Born at Vermilion, Alberta, she has lived in Calgary since 1943.
Besides her husband she is survived by a daughter Patricia and her mother Mrs. Julia Simonet in Vermilion; two brothers, Michael and Anthony of Virmilion. Prayers at FOSTER'S Garden Chapel, 540 16th Ave. N.W. this evening at 7:30 p.m.
Requiem High Mass will be celebrated at St. Joseph's Church Friday at 11 a.m. Interment Queen's Park. If friends desire donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. SORENSEN September 10th, Alfred Bakholm aged 47 years beloved husband of Mrs.
Esther (Marian) Sorensen 4408 Charleswood Drive and dear father of Margrethe Born in Sulsted, Denmark, he came to Canada in 1949. Mr. Sorensen was employed with the Highlander Motor Hotel. Services at FOSTERS Garden Chapel, 540 16th Ave, N.W. Friday at 2 p.m.
The Rev. D. 0. Olsen officiating. Interment Queens Park.
Phone 289-1944. KING September 11th, Mrs. Alice King aged 87 years 1611 8th St. N.W. beloved mother of Fred.
Calgary and Elsie, Vancouver. Born at Stakeford, England she came to Banff in 1900 and to Calgary in 1948 where she has resided with her son Fred. Also survived by a daughter Elsie in Vancouver: 1 grandson, Roy and granddaughter Pauline. Services at FOSTER'S Garden Chapel, 540 16th Ave. N.W.
Friday at 3:30 p.m. The Rev. Canon C. M. Starr officiating.
Interment Queen's Park. HAMILTON September 10th, Ralph aged 67 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Alice Hamilton 516 19th Ave. N.W. Born at Brookfield.
N.S. he came to Olds, Alberta as a schoolboy; later lived at Kimberley, B.C., and resided in Calgary for the past 35 years. Mr. Hamilton was a member of the Knights of Columbus and St. Joseph's Church and the North Hill Curling Club, and was active in hockey in younger years.
Besides his wife he is survived by a son Htrbert, Saskatoon; 2 sisters, Miss Jeanette Hamilton, Calgary and Mrs Peter (Mary) Gubitz Calgary; 1 grandson; 1 brother Percy, Lethbridge. 2 sisters. Mrs. Jim (Byrl) Cain: Mrs. Art (Myrtle) Duke both of Calgary.
Prayers at St. Joseph's Church this evening at 8:15 p.m. Requiem High Mass will be celebrated Friday at 9 a.m. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery.
FOSTER'S Garden Chapel Directors. Phone 289 1944. 4 Deaths HOLGATE September 10th, Robert aged 60 years beloved husband of Mrs. Myrtle Holgate, 626 5th Ave. 5.W.
Born in England he has lived in Calgary for the past 58 years. Mr. Holgate was a member of the Army and Navy Club, the Royal Canadian Legion No. 1 Branch, and St. Paul's United Church, He served overseas with the Canadian Army in the Second World War.
In his younger years he competed in the Calgary Stampede and worked at the Prince of Wales Ranch for quite some time. Besides his wife he is survived by a son Robert, Vancouver B.C.: 1 brother Douglas, B.C.; 2 sisters. Mrs. Rose Iverson and Mrs. Sarah Jenson both of Calgary.
Services at FOSTER'S Garden Chapel, 540 16th Ave. N.W. Saturday at 3:30 p.m. The Rev. D.
G. Littlejohns officiating. Interment Burnsland Field of Honor. Phone 289-1944. MORNEAULT September 11th Miss Marie Morneault of Carstairs.
Resting at FOSTERS Garden Chapel, 540 16th Ave. N.W. Phone 289- 1944. RUSSELL September 10th, 1963 John Walker, aged 81 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Mary Jane Russell.
225 4th Ave. N.E. passed away at the Colonel Belcher Hospital following a brief illness. Born in Glasgow, Scotland he came to Canada in 1910 to Calgary. residing here since, He was a veteran of World War 1, serving overseas with the First Pioneers.
He was Secretary Manager of the Royal Canadian Legion (Branch No. 1) Calgary from 1930 to 1948, also served as alderman for the City of Calgary for ten years. He was a life member of the Royal Canadian Legion. Besides his loving wife he is also survived by two daughters, Miss Margaret Russell, Mrs. Stanley (Anne) Haigh and two grandchildren, all of Calgary.
Services at LEYDEN'S "Chapel of Remembrance" Friday 11 a.m, Rev. Canon E. N. P. Orme officiating.
Interment, Field of Honor, Burnsland Cemetery, Courtesy parking at Academy Parkade, 18th Ave. and 4th St. S.W. LEONG September 7th, Leong Chew, aged 70 years, Room 14, Colonial Hotel. Services at LEYDEN'S "Chapel of Remembrance' Friday 2 p.m.
Rev. Stephen Yee Tong officiating. Interment, Chinese Cemet- ery. HAWKES September 10th, 1963 Mrs. Jemima Hawkes, aged 72 years, beloved wife of Mr.
Vincent Hawkes, 118-26 Ave. S.W. Services at LEYDEN'S "Chapel of Remembrance" Friday at 3:30 p.m. Rev. Ralph D.
MacDonald officiating. Interment, family plot, Union Cemetery. Courtesy parking at Academy parkade, 18th Ave. and 4th St. S.W.
STOODLEY September 10th. 1963, Mrs. Theresa Stoodley, 1625 5th St. N.W. widow of late Silas C.
Stoodley, beloved mother of Mrs G. F. (Thelma) Patterson, 1610 4A St. N.W. Mrs.
A. B. (Dorothy) Holness and Mr. Lloyd W. Stoodley, both of Toronto, passed away at the General Hospital following a brief illness.
Born in Chesterville. Ontario she came west in 1913 to Calgary, residing here since, She was a member of Crescent Heights Baptist Church and a Dominion life member of the Baptist Woman's Missionary Society, Predeceased by her husband at Calgary in April 1944, she is also survived by eight grandchildren and one great grandchild, a sister, Mrs. A. G. (Mary) Moodie.
Calgary. Services at Crescent Heights Baptist Church (11th Ave, and 1st St. N.W.) Friday 3:30 p.m. Rev. Benson Jones and Rev.
J. E. Harris officiating. Park Interment family plot, Queen's Cemetery. LEYDEN'S Funeral Home Ltd Directors of Service.
Flowers gratefully declined. FERGUSON September 11th, 1963, Miss Clara Rosetta Ferguson aged 67 years, beloved sister of Mr. A. J. (Lon) Ferguson, 204 33rd Ave.
N.E., Mrs. D. (Emily) Rowe and Mr. Joseph Ferguson. Orillia, Ontario.
Mr. William Ferguson, Drumheller, passed away at a 1o- cal hospital following a lengthy illness. Born at Bracebridge, Ontario she came west in 1908 to Calgary, residing in Calgary and district since. She is also survived by several nephews and nieces. Services at LEYDEN'S "Chapel of Remembrance" Saturday 1:30 p.m.
Rev. Douglas H. Parr officiating. Interment, family plot. Union Cemetery Courtesy parking at Academy parkade, 18th Ave.
and 4th St. S.W. HOW TO ORDER A CLASSIFIED AD PHONE AM 9-4911 COUNTER SERVICE Ad-takers are on duty between 8:30 a.m. and 9 p.m., Monday Courteous personalized service available to advertisers at The through Friday. Saturday from 8:30 a.m.
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cepted for next publication have sales representative an advertisem*nt not cona.m. morning of publication, up p.m., p.m. call at your home or place of forming to the highest stan. day to 9 1 Saturday, Between 6 and 9 p.m. a.m, Saturdays.
Sunday. business. dards of honesty. SERVICE OFFICES Chinook Centre Concourse 6332 34th Ave. N.W.
Bowness Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (One Block South Of Town Hail) North Hill Shopping Centre Open daily (except Sun.) 9 a.m. to p.m. 7 Located in West Concourse.
Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1507 48th St. S.E. Forest Lawn THE CALGARY HERALD Sept.
12, 1963 43 Bob SHIELS on television JASPER Emphasis was on youth as the 29th meeting of the Western Association of Broadcasters concluded Wednesday. The Western Association of University Broadcasters took the floor to ask for greater assistance in getting part-time jobs and equipment and in bringing operations up to a professional level. WAUB has been a special project of Don Hartford, president, and last year's WAUB directors. As Western Canadian stations require new announcers and engineers, it follows many of them are going to come from the university radio stations. For the first time this year, a cash prize was awarded to one of the university stations.
Winner was the University of Manitoba. About half a dozen WAUB delegates attended the convention. The junior association embraces radio societies at univerities in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon and Winnipeg. Mount Royal College in Calgary joined the group last February. WAUB's spokesman Wednesday was Peter Walls, University of Alberta, Calgary, who said what students want is a closer affiliation with professional broadcasters.
The student stations already produce some shows for the commercial stations. They want to be able to do more, expanding operations until they can operate their own AM or FM outlets. Unless I'm mistaken, that's the way CKUA originally came into existence in Edmonton. The University of Saskatchewan is currently taking the lead with an application for an FM licence. If the trend toward togetherness continues, we will be hearing more university-produced programs on commercial radio.
Walls promised to supply individual stations with lists of what is available. Football Circuit Still in Jasper, chatting with Bill Mavor, of B.C. Telephones, Vancouver, I gathered some data on how the fans in Victoria, B.C., are sitting in on Vancouver Lions' home football games. Perhaps you have heard about this unique experiment. Through closed circuit television, Lions' home games have been arriving live this year a theatre in Victoria.
Mavor, WAB convention delegate, reports the experithe ment has proved to be more successful than anyone could have hoped. The way it works, B.C. Telephones picks up the game at the stadium, cables the picture to downtown Vancouver, microwaves it across downtown Victoria and cables it an additional three blocks to the theatre. The theatre seats 1,500 and it has been sold out for every game. According to Mavor, it's better than being at the game.
For one thing, the picture is projected onto a screen that is far bigger than the average motion picture screen. For another, the sound comes through loud and clear. You'll find the audience standing up, clapping, cheer. ing, booing, stomping feet, and perhaps reaching out from the front rows to try to intercept a pass. Price of admission is scaled down from $3.
Proceeds go to support minor football on Vancouver Island. Everyne is gloriously happy with the arrangement particularly Victoria fans, who complained in the past that Vancouver Lions may be called the B.C. Lions but the only time Victoria ever saw them was when they passed through town en route to training camp. White Hat Finale One final WAB footnote: I always knew Doug Johnson gets around, but this man never ceases to amaze me. He arrived at Jasper Park Lodge Tuesday night with a station wagon full of white hats which he passed out to a dozen of the more prominent delegates at the annual banquet.
Newly "naturalized" Calgarians include Dr. Andrew Stewar, BBG chairman; Don Jamieson, Canadian Association of Broadcasters' president; Jim Allard, CAB executive vicepresident, and Roy Chapman, president of the B.C. Association of Broadcasters. Coming Events Manchester Community tion. 5721 1A St.
S.W. with to announce the opening of their fall bingo season Thursday. 8 p.m. sharp, Admission 50e. additional cards 25c.
Everyone welcome. 00 Thursday bingo, 8 p.m., Ukrainfan Hall, 209 4th Ave. S.E, 2 free jackpots. 2 nickel pots. Admission 50c, play 20 games.
Everyone welcome. Lunch served. 0 0 0 Dancing every Saturday night at the Bragg Creek Round Hall. Music by Freddie's Orchestra. Twist and spot prizes, Everyone welcome.
0 4 4 Cash bingo Friday in Orange Hall 19th 2nd Ave. N.W. Free $25, special $30, nickel jackpots, door prizes. Admission 50c, extras 25c. Everyone welcome.
0 0 4 Bingo, Thursday. 8 p.m., Ukrain1an Catholic Church Auditorium, 704 6th St. N.E. Prizes two $50 jackpot games in 57 numbers (Consolation prizes $25), $5 bingos, 3 nickel jackpots, door prizes. Admission 50c extra cards 25c.
Everybody welcome. 0 Eagle Bingo at Eagle Hall, 1212 12th St. S.W., Thursday September 12th. 1963 at 8 p.m. Free Bingo $25 and door prizes.
Cash bingo every Thursday, 8 p.m., Winston Hgts. Mountview Comm. 27th 4th St. N.E. 2 free progressive jackpots, 3 nickel games, door prizes.
Refreshments available. Everyone welcome 0 4 0 Cash bingo every Friday, St. Ann's Hall, 920 21st Ave. S.E. Admission 50c.
extra cards 25c. Nickel jackpots, door prizes. Refreshments $25 jackpot to go every Friday. 0 Bingo, Highland Park Community Hall. 36th 2nd St.
N.W. tonight, September 12th, 8 p.m. Prizes include 4 $10 bingos, $40 black out. Admission 50c. Everyone welcome.
will hold their regular meeting toMizpah die Chapter No. 6. OES 4 night at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Temple, 12th Ave, S.W. All OES members welcome.
0 0 0 Bingo, Killarney Glengarry Community every 8 p.m. Cash prizes, $50 jackpot, also 5c jackpot. Everybody welcome. 28th St. and 28th Ave.
S.W. 4 4 0 Bingo is held every Thursday night at the Glenmore Park Community Association, Longridge Drive Lakeview, at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. Cash prizes and bigger and better jackpots. INDEX TO CLASSIFICATION CLASSIFICATION No.
CLASSIFICATION No. Houses to Rent 33 Acreage Lots for Sale 41 Houses for Sale 45 Rent 39 Houses Wanted to Rent 34 Acreage Lots Wanted 42 Houses Wanted to Buy 46 Agents, Salesmen Hospital Personnel Add Machines, Typewriters 61 In Memoriam Aircraft 61a Investments 50 Aptitude Testing 21a Industrial Property 49 Automobiles for Sale 78 Instruction 23 Autos Wanted 79 Livestock Wanted 54a Auto Wreckers 82 Lots Wanted to Rent 39a Automotive--Cars, Trucks 85 Lost and Found 10 Beauty Salons 12b Machinery and Tools 70 Bicycles Motorcycles 62 Machinery Wanted 70a Births Miscellaneous Wants 67 Block and Head Repairs 83 Money to Loan 52 Board and Room Wanted 31 Money Wanted 63 B.C. Property 43 Motels, Trailer Courts 27 a B.C. Rentals 32a Musical Instruments 71 Building Supplies 63 Office Equipment 61b Business Chances Parking Space 35 Business Directory 14 Pasture 38a Cattle, Horses, Pigs 54 Pet Stock Birds 57 Cards of Thanks Personal 11 Cemetery Memorials Pianos and Organs 72 Crematorium Poultry, Eggs, Supplies 58 Child Care Babysitting 10a Poultry Wanted 68a Coins Stamps 63a Professional Directory 15 Commercial Property 48 Radios Television 73 Deaths Real Estate Trades 46a Dressmaking 13 Repairs Parts Tires 84 Duplexes and Apts. 45a Resorts 12 Duplexes for Rent 33b Rooms with Board 29 Farms and Ranches 44 Rooms Without Board 30 Farms Wanted 44a Rooms, Suites Wanted 32 Farms to Rent 40 Saddles Riding Gear 73a Farms Wanted to Rent 40a Sewing, Knitting Machines 74 Florists 6a Situations Wanted, Female 24 Foundation Garments 12a Situations Wanted, Male 25 Fuel 64 Sporting Goods 75 For Sale Miscellaneous 66 Stampede Accommodation 26a For Sale or Exchange 60 Stocks, Bonds 51 Funeral Directors 7 Storage Space 36a Furnished Houses 83a Stores Offices, etc.
37 Furnished Suites, Apts. 26 Teachers Wanted 18 Fur Bearing Animals 56 Trailer Homes 81 Furniture Wanted 69 Trucks and Trailers 80 Garages 36 Trucks, Trailers Wanted 81a Garden Needs 59 Unfurnished Suites 27 Glass 65 Uniforms 13a Hay, Grain, Feed, Seed 55 Vacuums and Polishers 75a Help Wanted 20 Warehouse Space 88 Help Wanted Female 21 Washing Machines Help Wanted Male 22 Wearing Apparel Household Furniture 68 Wearing Apparel Wanted 77a Housekeeping Rooms 28 World of Good Eating 13a 4 Deaths SHORT September 11th, 1963. Mrs. Laura Bell Short, aged 84 years, formerly of Turner Valley, Alberta. Services at Turner Valley United Church, Saturday 2 p.m.
Rev. H. Lang officiating. Interment, family plot, Okotoks Cemetery. LEYDEN'S Funeral Home Ltd.
Directors of Service. 5 In Memoriam HAMEL In loving memory of Creighton (Jack) who passed away September 12th, 1962. "Wonderful memories woven in gold This is the picture we tenderly hold. Deep in our hearts his memory is kept, To to cherish and never forget." -Always remembered by his sister in-law, Grace and Family, HAMEL In loving memory of (Jack), wonderful who passed away Sept. 12th husband Creighton 1962.
"God saw he was getting weary, He did what he thought best, He put his arms around him, And whispered "Come and rest." The golden gate stood open, One year ago today, With goodbyes left unspoken, He gently slipped away." -Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife Nettie, NEFF In loving memory of our dear son and brother Mervin, who passed away Sept. 12th, 1959. "We little thought when he left home. He no more would return. That he in death 50 soon would sleep, And leave us here alone.
Friends may think we have forgotten, When at times they see us smile, But they little know the heartache, Which the smile hides all the while. -Loved and sadly missed by Mom and sister Marie. NEFF In loving memory of our dear son and brother Mervin, who passed away September 12th, 1959. "Just when his life was brightest. Just his hopes were best, God called him from among us, To a home of eternal rest.
Ever remembered and sadly missed by Dad, Anne and Marilyn. NEFF In loving memory of my brother Mervin, who drowned Sept. 12th. 1959. "Dear God please take a message, To my brother up above, Tell him I miss him, And give him my love." -Loved and sadly missed, sister Dorothy, STANGIER In loving memory of Frank, who passed away Sept.
12th, 1962. "The years may wipe out many things. But this they'll wipe out never. The memory of those happy days, When we were all together. We think of him in silence, His name we oft recall, But there's nothing left to answer, But his picture on the wall.
Just when his life was brightest, Just when his hopes were best. God called him from among us, To a home of eternal rest. Lovingly remembered by his wife Mabel and Family. 6 Cards of Thanks ELLIOT We wish to express heartfelt thanks to Drs. I.
Ross McLean, M. Tuttle an T. Saunders, the nurses and Staff of Colonel Belcher Hospital for their kindness and care of our beloved husband and father. Also, sincere appreciation to Father Boeren, Father Sullivan and Father Cunningham and friends for the many kindnesses, floral tributes, Mass cards and messages of sympathy extended during our recent bereavement. -Mrs.
John H. Elliot and family. GLENDENNING I wish to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation for the many kindnesses, words of sympathy and floral tributes tendered me by my friends and neighbors during my recent bereavement. -Peggy Glendenning JENKINS We wish to express our sincere thanks to Dr's R. H.
Walker, MacArthur, Wade and Hess, the Staff and Nurses at the General Hospital, to our friends. neighbors and relatives for their many acts of kindness, cards of sympathy and floral tributes during our recent bereavement. A special thank you to Mr. Rev. and Mrs.
J. C. McLeod. also, to N. R.
Mercer, Rev. R. H. MacKinnon, and Rev. R.
J. Westaway. Our sincere appreciation. -Baleria Jenkins Wilford Jenkins McPHEAT I wish to express my sincere appreciation for all the flowers and messages of sympathy during my recent bereavement. I would particularly like to thank Mrs.
Atkinson, the Hines Family, the Sperzels and the Maines for their staunch support and many acts of kindness to Dad during his life time. Mary McPheat. 7 Funeral Directors CHAPEL of the BELLS McHugh Tighe Funeral Directors 2720 Centre St. N. 276-2296 8 Cemetery Memorials SOMERVILLE CALGARY MONUMENTAL LTD.
60 Years Serving Calgary and Area. 121 13th Ave. S.W. AM 2-1391 WOOD'S MONUMENTAL PHONE CR 7-0171 126 16th Ave. N.E.
9 Crematorium Calgary Crematorium Ltd. Montgomery, Alta. Ph. BU 8-2208. 10 Lost and Found FOUND The Best Buys on new and used Furniture at 39 4th St.
N.E. AM 6-1556 FURNITURE A APPLIANCES RIVERSIDE LOST, family, pet, black and brown Manchester terrier (female), Monday, Sept. 9th, vicinity McMahon Stadium. Please contact Everett W. Stott, 6903 94B Edmonton.
Phone 469-6166 collect. REMOVED from front yard of 658 27th Ave. N.W.. baby stroller. red and white.
Marie printed on foot rest. AV 9-9318 or return to above address. WOULD the gentleman, who called Saturday night of finding a black purse, please call the same number. Reward. MISSING.
brown brief case, papers in same, of value only to owner. Contact 263-8647. Reward. LOST, Blonde chihuahua, Chinook Park vicinity, 78th Ave. and 14th St.
LOST, wallet, driver's licence, etc. CH 4-2525 days. CR 7-4941 eves. Reward. LOST.
Toy white Poodle Sept. 8th, 1 mile north Okotoks. Reward. Ph. 71.
LOST pair of boy's glasses at Happy Valley, Sunday, Sept. 8th, Please call CH 9-8174. LOST, small fawn male part terrier, near 3rd St. N.E. AT 3-3253.
LOST: red Irish setter. Answers to the name Rory. CH 4-8481. LOST. personal papers in black bill fold.
2 bank books. 244-7303. LOST. white rosary, Trans-Canada Highway west of Banff. CR 7-5756.
10a Child CareBabysitters WILL babysit pre-school children any time in my home. 1822 Westmount Blvd. 283-1387. WILL care for children in my home AT 3-5118. 10a Child CareBabysitters DOWNTOWN Cinderella School, qualified staff, specialty music, transportation, 2-6 years.
AM 6-2250 243-6971. WANDA'S Day Nursery for children from 2 6 yrs. Government approved. 1629 5th St. N.W.
Phone 289-5117. WILL babysit in my home, 8:30 to 5:30 p.m. Mondays thru' Fridays. 1 to 2 children. Glamorgan District.
242-4740. WEEK day child care in my Forest Lawn home. Very reasonable. 272- 0148. SUNNYSIDE BABYSITTING BUREAU.
ANYWHERE. ANYTIME. 283-1792. WILL babysit in my own home, Days, Sunnyside Boulevard, AT 3- 4141. FAIRYLAND Excellent pre-school training.
Qualified teachers. Transportation. 249-9474. BETTER Babysitting Bureau and daywork service. Mrs.
Stinson. Exteacher. CH 9-2215. WILL babysit for working mother in my home, 1516 26th Ave. S.W., 244-8552.
WILL babysit for working mother in my home at 2511A 22nd St. W. 282-3759. WOULD like to look after child between the age 1 6 in my home, AT 3-4496 anytime. WILL babysit in my home, parking at rear.
Walking distance to downtown. 921 7th Ave. S.W. 262-9145. BABYSITTER needed, Parkdale, 8:15 5:15, Monday to Friday.
2603 2nd Ave. N.W. AT 3-5155. WILL babysit in my Highwood Home. 1 2 children.
Phone AV 9- 7330. WILL babysit, $1.50 per day. Any age. Mrs. Hughes, 1726 32nd St.
S.W. 249-3301, CHILD care in my 11th 14th St. S.W. home. 244-7985.
CR 7-6871 DANA Nursery School, transportation Open all year. CH 2-1904. SOUTHSIDE Babysitting Bureau. Mrs Giles. 262-9651.
BABY Bunny Day Nursery. Block east of Zoo turnoft. BR 3-1684. RELIABLE Babysitting Bureau Mrs. Cinnamon AT 3-4405.
BABYSITTING my home, 4831 1st St. N.E. CR 7-9374. TINY Town Nursery School, Transportation. Open all year.
CR 7-7822. WILL babysit in my own home, 272-0637. UNION NURSE, wishes babysitting, my home Almar Park. 249-5481. BABYSITTING my home, large play area.
North Hill district. 277-6402. WILL babysit in my Lakeview home 242-6439. CARE for child, 5 day week, my Parkdale home. AT 3-2450.
DAY care for 2 children in my home. Call 242-3862. WILL BABYSIT IN MY OWN HOME. N.W. 288-2449.
WILL take care of children in my home, can pick up. Ph. 282-3780. CHILD care for working mother in my central home. 244-9051.
WILL babysit in my home Monday to Friday. AV 9-5793. WILL babysit in my Brentwood home. 282-2835. BABYSITTING during the day in my downtown home.
262-2548. WILL care for 2 children. My Inglewood home. BR 3-1177. WILL look after children in my home.
288-3017. WILL babysit in my Forest Lawn home days, 272-0342. RELIABLE lady will babysit for a working mother. CR 7-8710. 11 Personal TVs For Rent FROM $10 UP Ask about our 0 rental purchase plan.
Amplifiers, guitars, record players. also for rent. PERRY'S MUSICAL SALES 204 8th Ave. S.E. AM 2-4444 AM 9-2704 Across from old Post Office BRIDGE LESSONS MARTINQUE BRIDGE STUDIO Complete series of bridge lessons commence October 8, 8 p.m.
Enrolment now open for junior and intermediate course. AM 9-2061. FAST TV SERVICE REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES, NIGHT AND DAY INCLUDING SUNDAYS. CALLS $2.95. 273-5101.
TV RENTALS Calgary's Finest Stock 17 19 21 23 24 inch, consoles. table. portable models Purchase plan. Free delivery. Call 244-0504.
IMPORTANT It you are unhappy with your present skin care and cosmetics or if you have a problem skin your answer 1S nature-harmonized EDITH REHNBORG COSMETICS Call CH 9 5929 for 8 personal appointment. TV RENTALS BEL-AIRE RENTALS 242-5555 RENTALS TV Sets, Singer Sewing Machines, Wheel Chairs, 7 9 Cu. Ft. Fridges CALGARY RENTAL SHOP AT 3-0005 WE cut and wrap your meat at your home for 4 cents a pound. Also for hotels, hospitals and small stores.
Phone John Vandenberg, 289-7437. C.P. TV Rentals 244-7363 ANYTIME RENTAL TVs Viscount Rentals Ltd. 242-3552. RELIABLE TV CALLS $2.95 1405 11th ST.
S.W. 244-0177 ANYTIME OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex Tonic Tablets help "build up' thousands of men, women, Money back if not satisfied. All druggists. MASSAGE CLINIC Suite 5 332 7th Ave. For appointment phone 269-3227.
RENTAL projectors films Polaroid cameras, enlargers lightbars and photo equipment Bunny Photo Service. 262-1583 GOIAN ELECTRONICS TV service day and night. Government licensed technicians. 277-3855. WANTED.
PARTY GOING TO CALIFORNIA TO PULL CUSTOM TRAILER, HORSE. CH 9-2866, CH 2-1395. ONLY at the Yale Plaza restaurant, opposite CPR, you get readings that come true. BATON school-Graduate instructor. Beginniners, advanced.
Phone 282- 1382. EXPERT TV REPAIRS House calls $2.95 anytime. All work guaranteed 90 days 273-5453. WOULD like to ride to Montreal to arrive Oct. 2nd, share expenses, etc.
242-4492. DAWN Telephone Answering Service, 24 hours a day. 272-1804 272-1151 272-1152. DRIVING Toronto, Friday or Saturday, room for one. Room 429, York Hotel.
FREE guitars with lessons. Modern Inst. of Music. 266-1828 272-4273..