jjcip aiifilaccs tffilantcA. Competent add WAitreM' -'1. TKIX' MDltlHA itr.l Mt lAmu- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. PotdmI Uim nf kf Min it ealumu, bat win Mt iBSartedaalaaa writer's mm ml Iddrvss angle, Ibi th v- ft Park HlHCountry Club's TV -wiatoif Wisl-Muion ait'tlie Jark Kill Country Club. ope tied last night, with the Annual rerrptlim: tendered tty tint metii-iier of the Board of their wive.
There, were, about J3S (turnons pre-' ImMing young and numerous. new- mcmiter; sj. The rorapthm was pronounced nne of tin pleasantest iRiching the Cluli lia ever held The lirw nieinbcn fiiF whom this wasfiiv Drat' furtction at the Club, especially Vere pleased. rr' A of-anttiitin leave' and Miage beantified ilicf iwfllrponi. The- decoration, on the stage.
Bltoiit ilreplare' and along the aide of the' ronnni. Hay' ner the Steward, Waw. ciingratiilateil njain hia artitie work in arranging the decora- tiona, Muaie; waa furnialteil Rhode yid lValidi tria Eefreahment were aweil Ly the. Steward, naaiatetl by 'Mnultrje. The table deeorationa were eliryaantiirnium and autumn leave.
1 Thoae' of tlie Royeninri and fiiei'r wive who. were preaent to serve the Reception Oimtnitte Mr. and 'fravera B. and MrvAndrew S'. Mr.
Willianv Forster.Mr.' and Mr. Henry. H. Burdick. Mr, and Thomas Smith, and l)r.
Elmer. A. Cluh logins tlie. new season wHli A membership of 2H0, which I the hugest' in its history, Kitching Corpss. Tlie annual ihsis-elion 'tif Kitching C'nrps, W.
R. topk place Ust night. in the Brdnil Army- -City Hall; i.Tlie attendance was The Mrs; Katherine AndTewa, presided. pj meinls-r. were initiated.
The. IV- lief, fiimmiltee remrted making flte! sick visits, during, the. past year. The Exih-u('h-c Committee reported that since Xor. liilQ.
a' of 140 ha been Tealircd lij- enter-. lalnrticntsr pjfthrp' pdrtlw 8101 ynmmagr sates. jiroceeds' iif tlie rummage sale held last week were W.f 1 Airs. Ella Cary, of -Brooklyn, ficnior Vice l)cpartmcnt iuaiU ail ad-ui-eas, in Urhirh ehe romplimentinl the officers of the Corps Jot the way', in which its de-. lilie rations aml initiatinn wereeoiulnctcd, also' pyaiaed tlie Secnctary and for Mie'jsiadition in wliicll.
she found the records of tlie organisation, hi hehulf' OfMie dlAftlirir of: the' Corps, Mnk Ida Shiitts Pentreah presimted.lo Mrs. Cary a souvenir spoon of Re-. freshmenta were served, Otis Kirs Brigades BilL. The second. Annual ball -of' the Otis Fire Brigade will be Ik-id in Turn Elm street, Friday evening of.
this-week. '-Thin Itajl 'promise he-another of: tlie -wry successful affairs '''carried the Brigade, and all Yonken.is invited to come and see fur Ihemselres jut what a -'suitceM- ful affair means, The. arranged to give three, door1 prizes, As follows In gold; second, 10. in goldv tliirdsfS in gold. -Every one buying a ticket 'will (taml a- chance A.
-prized Music-, will 1w fur-nlshed by Waiter. Baiier. In to officers of the Otis Company, many of tiie 'city official1 are expected- to in preenU Tickets will he soid at the disir.ior msy fV had in advance fromi any member of the eommittee: John Garrett, Recording, Secret ary James Burg, financial (Scerctaij-; James Finn, Six Kooms and iathl nl'TlTHljX' Jit: 1 ilUi.v II'-mi .11 mi Koams and Batb-For Kent, AT Kf 17i- a-rjiiit- jinrt' -s-M- M.ijIrVoi.- -p'nVu kLUciiiiuc. iHiiimu llAI-liK S.i'-ri.lTniil.li. N.U IVltlTJ' tl -1 Main iiwt'.
Jo Let, uiv it hi. guud nlivi-r. 1 uij ulti li rii I- Vli I4KI Mtfifr'rn Brick Stable Xo Kcut. iomi'K'Ip- it 111, W. WUif il S.
mi lnA.iikvirtix Two-Fjunily Uouad For Saif, ((itOMS'nrt Im efr- I lrir -xu'Mm lu.iuin'.'.sf Wfl.tJA.M II. 11 It J.I-.I wjlIt UrmliTli k. W.rr imr.iin aAi)iii :t.is Fur Sale. or Tu Let. I'HY; IliiMK f.r nmil finiha' Nfuiv.
11-4111 HImI tsliil? iliil 1m1 Jill rMIYtnf iiiiv: ku4.nri MiuroiiihliujvM. ii-rnisF W.airlal tiMil -fUT'ifWIivut- tr nlnJrP i'- U. I fttn tY.MiHi-'umi uiNiv; iKs'-ifi CorxicF Apartment; 1 AT 14 tf'PItRKT hjniiii, ImiVi, liMniky. niidttm Aphr Hf lirivUsMir. oj4-r Apartment To -JN- mp Ilium.
AND. -U llllilml ligi large, Hisljl rrsims.alul lisl-h sll h-ipnivr-llirll) -rtmvrlilHitt. ln l'ark 1ti)t M1 lull SH1 Itmadnsy cans, tminirc uf Jsiillnr mt ml--. 1, YANHKRIUI.T, Haiti burn ai-inuc, Tel. 41-11.
uvl-ir Houses For Sale and To NK.W. Ill.it'SK, ou Xurlli li.riMiiiis cillM kihI liiK-alcf IhviI, rtnsrlcvltglyl and guRiur all lufprvciiuiiis' price T'iiinulric. Ainu mw pllvniu -liuuiN1 Yuukt-r's; rpuiH ami luti; amt Hw-trli-llgiila jilid gu Ri gv prli-c rc.isuualilc. li.lV I II if. l.TlllN, 3C Xurlh TW.
Smai, nil Wanted To Rent, IX NillirilKIIX I'AJIT (if YllVKIHIS. wjihlif III- rryml Mnlbuir -inoilern IP null- lull-) Inrvc rivw lien, liuir ln- i l. Illjrt. full Jmrlt' ubirs ai.iin drws V-Tirg si iimiuii lullin. Fist To Let i SIX-' LIGHT.
II RATFH liroillrf. isjb. inrl water rilp4y, jiiiiiiriM'rvli- n-jit Slid; Apply In KfUnlc 1 1 I iSilllll linkers. -f For Sale, id Whit Plains, NKW, wi-i-n-rnun Jii.uim., Iwili' afnl biiinituiflinls and Isirli, ill U4 mrl uf YVIhic I'laiiiH, fur ffr.fdni lirU-1 'HAii, SVlI.IlK. Wi--t I-lnl li at New York i'lly: n.Hi-n Small Shop For il AHkKTIl.Ai'K.;tiunl miin-y isrefi't relit.
3I. Ix-r miinlli, Al-o IntgcGlisns .4.11110 fivl.nl iny Alsin -trecl. snli IicmI. wni-r r'lmnliir anil Jighi nit Innr slilc-t ri-nt Silif Iicr inunlH. Ai-pl AHTIli'lt fil Warlinri.m ItllMI Apartment For Particular People, Pt ELf.ilTT".AVKM'Ej.
AiV bl.i.'k froni wi.iwur' viiit Xlclrf.iu usi-niiv live r.mni,. lariii. m'a-i uuil Tlla-tl- 'IcM Ii tikr-mivinrfk Miaiin Jiiplfur Scrrli-e. l-aji AiiiilY lo JaiilUir-iir clilioiu' uiimi Wood Place Jo Let 3 tfWni pki.v lu lct; ill cuiiiuiitrniva knit plcusniit rlirruiiiiilinv-; inintnliis vlglil niuuis uml Imth; lii'Kisnl unlcr. Apply la KllWJN A.
ULIVKK, at Tha Duius-uuiu An -Apartment-: To. HEVKN LARGKHOnMX latlli, biwilgrol nnlrli Hour, stimna In-sl rent 'lu. Iminlrv nr lla Wigai Wurtlf. avuniii- ilr tclciiliniiv Houie To Rent, ELEVEN' RriilXlK AND HATH; -ail 1niiiTOvi-inciilsillvc nllnillcs tn tralir.imu b.nrk til tmllni: iviil sja- Jnitiiire next 1 1 1 p. 1 1 rent 4A.
avcliipv lla'wtluirrtii For Exchange FAHM flF 'lH4 A4HKH, free ami fur OluHy ill Kini1-n Ing ti'iicmrnl nr llal' SnUjcct In llnii inurlgain- only. fltr frrc ainl cjinir mdijcnru pn.p.-m-farfli nlsait- lull mill fnmi Ncwyark alsmi '4. miles from -ib-il mill A jiiIniiUV walk In Mifnui, I i.M Mil 1 -i: we. Jrii-c Him iN-rtM-ro. As.
dy tn niKSTut- lu. War- bifrluu araiiiu. Apartments, AT '(Ti; i.i-: khj a vkxi .1 bil kci'tbin; liigli- gruninl, river ib-sr nurllunnl fur Ivor, sly nnuusund IhiL wali-p. supply, ji iiii-Vgns r.LhL;i: lft- hu-fHiiKi' J.ii(ilrVid-iJi-e. Heut 3S ist iiiiHUh.
VYII.I.IAM aiybiin-i. b-Hy 7l UUmwimi I4-IS Twe-Family Hqii sa, --J2. LiGIIT iliMlMB. 2 Initha 2 hrtf-waier pluuls: ImnlwiKiil irlin. dnlshud fliHirs; rtriH luiM-lrih-riun.
gmlil -nMiiltl lnn. 2 bMs, he.illliy Inn: iiimr w'limd and rliun'k: Irleu KUiKXK PlMK, X'lilllpsburgb New Three-Family House. 17 IHNIMM A NIf-3 HATIlt, all renied; 31AQ iwxli; price 37JSIM. If yuup bouse or flat 4s for win iir sale Hat- with un. AtlGl'KTl'M Klll', llml.Rstate.aud Fir luaummw.
No. 7 Wells avenue. Rsal Katata, Appraiati. EHTARLINIIKD 20 YEARS I hoasM and into inrsaln. M.
r. MITCHELL ilK WaTOnrton av Tsleidiunus 237 -L sod Cottaga For Sal. ARTIKTKJ (XINCKETE HI.OCK! 'jnai com-pletuil located In ona of our. bust ro-lduntlal soelliM) i. beautiful river view, near rallmad slat km and trailer boy this right, Jlavw also a frame cottage In Sutith Yonkers for sala 01 rent assy term.
UHIUUTIAN UAUL 14 1blilpsc plaos telcpbnuaUU. 4ttecf Gleawood FIVE AND HIX-JlriOM rH'ITEK. In thr new hlgh-elsm siwrtniHtit Wissl-wortli arunuu, near lint afraid; steam heat, Imt water, ulegant ilceorailntii, large war-pnrrhrsi sanitary garbage system, rusUenlfal niansge-nwnt, superior Janitor service, imslurale rants: ronviuilent tolilenwmsi Ktatlnn-. Warburton avenue tmlluy sml rUrerchibs; iiiik't, enjivunimit-aiid ruflnuit uelgliburlnsid, ApiiUeailuns now considered fur Imiuwllale pmsu'ssiwn. JtlHN J.
Nul.AN. UOfl Womlworth avenue. 'lhona3iiN5-Y. (b'4-tf NORTH BROADWAY ll-Kaaai all Improvements; hot water (mli.iai.ftalM-'.fHai AUTiPUti PifiTMENT -XlgU ipsms baths, bat water brat aad aap Opn far laspcutbia at S3 Ltacula Tevrorr. 254)00 TO LOAN ON BOND AND MONT- PACK THOMSON BBOTHEBS, Mala Itrrut.
ISIS. 4Qppaalto T. OJ If Patty. Who Found a Pair o.f Eye-GUtsei TiiK ii.viij.n tii It.iyi iiu-im Hit ho.it jr vf h'Mr Wiu-. All VL0.
nJTiwJ bot, f'l IIONJISI'X III KeT A liuriiiuatrUHi'-atut litrliwnisl etaiiun; Ni.w I iiiwt Hr ewm.ay In stl m.ms, -j re Hluoiw place. W-'il-J. $utiilay Night, "tMr.tr-fn.d:fc. -iA- moilirr 1. 1 1 hioLnil.lf muFUiil tii jils Xuirlr iCl Brauliful.
Jpfighi; Haines. Piano flHi' 1 Hwihl Ojit-- finir -4uhV' $HM m. siH Mihv nVir jiviuilv'j liiiiiiptfivt 7 7: WAIIlif'R'niN AVBXt'lt'' Tr.lcpiioiii'-':iwy:t. I'nliiih iimkuiK Hint- ii.hilflcriiiir.. Hiaiirw-in mink-ui i-rv I'ariHiis, mm Uiiir-hml iiiiuusjiiis (-It-il'aiiil MiwlH iiuulr.
In iirUrr. u-l- Truck, two Just hVrriiaiiUd-. LiHiXisl unit slro l.iCl.r ItariMlii rP-'niii, r.itUXn ill Ltruf, KHIIS 'Si SiM I li llrviils.ir, Nut Dispose of Your Furniture, It.v n.u in yult L-u mr prl.v,iiiilKUS lit Hi Me, At uiir. :1 Iihv IhiIIi-s' riu-u's i-usHHl Trl. ii.
JI-li For Sale oi; Exchange For Real. A lull. Hull It Ullliiilt.) Iilli'i fully VsiiiIiiinsI, SI. MSI Xwirly sr.U UAUf, 5 Holly X. SilipA Vuukrrs, DJd.
Geese-Feather Bcda Iltio-Si JAil, Aildnsi kVlttcKlN-8lN, (riii-nil Vunkur-, 'Martin HEAbbTi IV I'svriMti'uiiii Wioil; t'rnvt de-llvury v.ni ayeiiiir. Ymi- kwv Tvlu)itiIH (Ijl-Hll Owen A 1IANiI itliii H-puirtnu. Uwlrvi in new mill. MsNiiiil liSHd in-triuumts. FarMiry lirtiws.
-7 Uutly Knialr, Tr-liAiHiir nl r-lm Tl'VIXif A.l. flKlAllllX'ii. Trb XAl.l-KY.'.Cl Warliun.Hi nvrunr. ulA-Jiu Mr Wiqifryd. Bih, U.UJIIlU-:HSi:.
apniii-urlliA; sliiiaijHMHiia, Vilmilury L'- iirismiio-: Jlillr Klimts iur mtef -sniriilHKH-rmiile. iii. liiirrsi.S::iii a. ui. '-7ar.
ulii-cjt Excellent Enlargement S.IA l.l, III tnul WliUu. Iloysl jmrr mill Itnyal At) ilnulih- iiiouuli'il risnty HT.i'luiilnir him! iirimliiy HiiIsIhsI 1 liunrs, ijiialtiy 'i' II It I'll, ITO AM AJIT Xl, ar 7 H'lHls aviMiur. James FlItm'IH3 ASH rlAVl VASH. Fnroi-tunr- rwimvi.l vrilU in i-lly or- yunnl ry. UHirkiic a' ll r.
I rcs.i- JVwrina. Jlimv. l.LHi!i.avuiiiii.,.'i.rti-kurt, uiiillc iiirju't lui. 'i i'Infuine 1 For Sale Top. Bum new 7 Itt'llitKlt Tl IIE nrilGY, with Iralhrr linrl urn-)- VM.
IIAEt'JtHLKlt, ii XlurriH iIaihl: Viinki'M. -i Lon S. Quong, LAUNDRY. SAT Wells aW. Tankers, N.
t. Chlueiw and Japanees goods and Goods rsllnl for sml iletlremi; Klos on eollar suit ends; plain dalsb, took ilka nee. AIM a. large stock of I'hlueM Mlk-oe hand, plala while Sail white with fancy Sennas Hu cuts a yard. Trlau bo oe Oi) Paintings OLEANED AND IIERTOUKD old' ramie paired aiul rvglbluiL wiunl tn new i rli-tiitomm-(ng rrfumu-m given.
J. II. XI A KV1N, formerly of nil Went tltAth street. New York City, now at 4tl North Hnwilw.v, Krhiier itullding, Yimkura, N. Tel.
SMUT, Yonjun. s-IMiu AGKNTH Frill western Mutual Insurance' jL'ouiiraiiy, olfer- pulley At RiWest ntie Kim. Autonnrtille liiauniniw Ji'i oli reUnMe eiMiiiinule. Aitilress Notlli Ilnioilway. -lil or IkU.
Steamship Ticket For IlKltVliIJ.V ainl the Went' Indira RmI esUte for ssle'-or exeliangu In N'ortli end H011U1 liAt'L A KM.L 23 Urosdwsy. -glioue 3131 or 14u. i ZehnerS Upholstery, NO.40 HGKTH RKOAIiWAY: TnrkM work, nun-bus, furniture and hair hiattraKHes iiiHilH uver-eonnl to new- KsMiaeiu given. Agent lor Ijswwin's Illghlnuls IIsiiim, 3. II.
ZKliNKIi, jrseth-al I'iduilalerar, Telw phone csll SMUT. Weller Shade Company, MANl'jFAl'TritEtUt and -lrt whitlow Hhwl, I'urtaiiirnsls, poles and llxtnre. houili Bnsulwsy-; Tleilionv, 4.18 Miaa Mary S. Bnrns, MANICURING and haled reeslng, fseial aad rlbrsun-y masnsgs, set Ip treatment, shampooing. Orders taken far hair Klelaert Bull ken, Friday good Hearn 104, nt Bnlldlng, II North Broadweyyxon-N.
Y. Telephone I2U3. Opoa Monday, aad Saturday aveulaga William J. Shaw, WHOLESALE pad retail dealar In' hay, atraw, aad Elevator foot of Aahbnrtoa avenue. Tdepbeae Flagging.
anl Cnrmng, AND ALL KINDS, of eat etooa. Sidewalk! laid or rtlald by skilled worfcmea at lew prices. JOHN I. CO REEKY, Etvenlale a vases. Dr.
Davia, Dentist, OF 8 MAIN STREET, wishes to sSnsanee that hs devotee hie entire time to Extraction of Teeth, Plate Work end Crown tad Bridge Work. No waiting, a tiling and bo trait 1 1 A Bag of Wood GIVEN WITH EVERY ORDER for a ton or half tun uf liutiUuir coal: nek grata wood, llgpermnl, I FalWilu even tic, iimt to liegeman's, TeL HSil or SA.17. JUST RECEIVED two eerioads of open and top delivery wagons 1 also carload el Eagle Dump Wagona Bargalni la amond-kend ear. reyx rnnshonte end ether pleasure vetilctee, VANDBBLIN, TJ-7S Mali strsst, Now la the Tima to Bare Your Windows PITT IN GOOD REPAIR. Beglastng eat blind repairing dona bycomiietaat men.
Deers, aash end blinds, sad -window glaaa at low msh and blind, and window glaaa at low price. MtTt HULL'S, 72 end 74 Earth Bread, way. Odd Fellows Bslldlag. FOR SALE, A BETTER BARGAIN And it Kara For Cosy South Yonkors Homo. y.
--Nlnc-rouni Qnccu Anne cottage fall Imurnre munis; luHthap lMfuet from Houth Broedeay tmlluy tu.m0. t'oiue and gut it. Also bargains InuiuL tw and six-family honsrs' and hits rlunly locslvd. DssIraWe hue Jn Youkurs on small Gilt Ede lortes For iDTesipot 'Gnu fur 3.1,000, at 11 pur cent umlrslly bwatud One fur flW. at pur mint on house and Urge M.
A. BRODERICK, Real Estate and Fire Insurance, S3 WARBUKTON Tataphane Zb7-J. -IMY0NKER8. TRICKS IN LAYING BRICKS. "Many thing could 'Val-ut rlyiry Fa ley, a iou-1 brick Id Aod a1.i v'r face, i -The Taro always A little sinab-let.
than the Upcr; owing to tlieriiaix' if the mold' in'. -bfu-k the kisier fiiye Wri smaller the lirii-k' roiild J'Prcwieib hrii-kl ah' th -hardest to' laV Yimi- stilled hia ta pr.e-i', brick-with- ju-Vn ttifle ida rlC ffiiui-ttw top to so that tlie botta'm edge ike nut DVeriai the top edge. Of tin1- brick underneath. If nit abed' the Vm on. ook er.v rocky Awing to the' numermi (aee.U.
tiial the edges: muke to iirek ligiif wavesi Cornmnn lirick give mi- 'truulile froiit this annree. Watch bricklayer and note that now "and tlwii oiie wilt toss brick in Jiis This i doire to liriii llie proper flea upwarii; HIGHLY-FLAVORED EGGS. Egg re sui'lr a universal aild.ronvetileui did that everybody iuteretei in espevisliy Uw -prico and- tlie said Tliint. Word citizen 4-0 a North Broadway. qirriiant.
ik cold Storage egg have-Aii objiviionablc tsulit "I dPnt ls'Kuve 1 nid' give a lucid was the 11111 .1 understand 'that the jieeiiliair giywi' -to storage' eggs refrigeration i by first killing the life grni in them by clectrieHy, 'Viiieh. Third XVsrder is important, if Gift to Cathedral of St. Af a meeting tiu reir if ibc fatheilrnh of Johii tlur, in'Xeiy' Vurk t'ity, iieM a gifl'nl lll.iAm fer a hieimirial Window was frbiu Miss Lmlsfor her: -miitlier! THE WESTCHESTER TRUST CO. liKEN f)R8IGNATED 11V THE I'NITKU HTATE8 GOVERNMENT Savings Bank Funds. 1 a 1 THIS NOW XIAKE8 THE COMPANY THE DESIGNATED DEIOSllX)HY FOB United States Funds' New York State Funds Wtchester Cb.Funds City of Yonkers Funds Coiirt and Tnist Funds: RADFORD HALL GETTY SQUARE.
Th best-located and must attractive HaU in Yonker; well lighted and size 60x45, with high ceiling. To rent. for. Lodge Meetings, Exhibitions, Fairs, Dancing Clais, Be, Hall may.be seen reservation obtained by applying to Tr WWTKiV JKVK1.VR,ABwii; 3 PAMaAWS On Yonkers Real Estate. -V': BUILDING LOANS MADE.
1UICK DtltflU BATES REASONABLE WESTCHESTER HDBROII TITLK AID I0RT6I6E GOARUTT CO. WHITM PLAINS, Y. Yonkers 0flcii.R2 Getlr SRoaro RrJM. When tha family down atain" hand you thalr rent monar, month after month, rim'll aimr-rlata tha advanta of owning a TWO-FAMfLY HOl'HK. Kar.h and svarr month the font rnmea la.
more than psyllia fur he maintenance of the property. I offer for Mle a NK HOUKE, on plot SOill.1. 11 rooms, 1 baths, steam heat, pn udaleetrlHty, for 500. on nry easy turms. Very eimssrible, fine view, high around, improved TWELVE-ROOM HOUKE.
hatha plot nf 40 fSet front, Improrsd atrast, rsfinad unoundinaa. ALBERT LBGKYOOD Ejrtsts sad Mortgage Lous, 45 Avs nsf iMk Citi GeiWI. HbusewOTk. tv A KkUsiA Applx at. yV-U-kirrwi.
JN FAM'llsV 0 cook 1 IsWiiAHisrt'IVrriMCiv Tlay's Work Wanted. VVASill lulling un.r nt -Inline, in Iji.v 4ii'l'V Al-lv-tJ I1 rMcf, V. J4.U '4rf- '-4- ..1. 1 -t llansMn't -nipkiymcht Bureau, vVA if A -b nr.iHn. pn'-iUuu.
bii lii'lj; S-'si 'smi it Ok.iiIIi';- ramw. llr-f-H w' l.fj.t lrl-ll iM.j wigus t-ili S.1.V SUl; 4uI.iiM.-jiii.;.-,--S.P!1-.:- Scwffcjr'-. -ir ji, Ksjew. 'l' -'-lill'll-eii M. 1 1 r.Vvl'rt J-- liriKit I' Reliable General GirJ Wanted.
ipiMllMtiiiK ill id raftren, tn help tincJiUurHii litul.ioMmrw mnL peiy niorAiri tit- Minimi IVrriwW i linkers-- Gyniral Huusew'urkerv IMIAUHKIMIAIIU), MiH-ful' men, L.l'";1 ripisf im. nr STlhUI) :MIM.1!.;,Yi; UinU.li alf" Wi, 'oflvUu Scanlauaooms. Furnished Koofii or' Furnished Apartment KENT, Iu gu(I bs-Hiiidi sll im'iilrrh Ini--I'l! Ifdaotr! If ilphi'mi, nVfciVn)'iM Iirsirra Two Furniihrd Kooms, liHg r. P.IV -SP ne.V MiU'-hijh lirtl.v, Y.ink.-rs,-, 'I Board Wanted. 1 rirtip- ithiiia-i-iftlth, oJH-U Beautifully-Furnished ROeihs To Let.
NIKimifliH," s4, smrtinrnt hotel; nu, AKuniJii.Mi)U; bath -bi every r.eniw: yreryiMirg tfnirofiC slib 11 iwrlodlnila 7 H-r week. J.u jiCa Lb martins am-" K-'m Xrr. serves -fur lurid fur all 7-tf II. K- TIIKUAjk U.T. niRTUX, Co.
lllilfK kTIiyKT, -lMie Am Srrilrr. SfXMM-TernM S-'SS ali--lllg ssrrlHra If aulit -wiiinn (ms -wiTki New rmim 11 InMIi. Mth- a riinmdu. gas Huy mini '-range A hat A i-olil. wslrr.
tub. fatllKi hardUimg Huuro A irlm, newly ilmimli-il; pli lAslua. Wfrkshnn or rhlikra hscse.lh roar, high araus.l, Ha tine lilm-k fenni imllry er. srhmils rhnrelw. A )nf.
"phene or rail. Oar 'M af service. lica'I miss Ibis rhanrr K.lirojlllip, 1 rimnn A Nh iM.twnafaifeUliMliw wid" -l4vk rruNi llrftl. H(urf, liirvr miIukf fruit In, line rirr rrai Mly Iff; Smv PALISADE AVENUE I NEAR KIIONNARI) FLACK, 1 Flcvrw-rsa Iwsae. hat-watiw Ar; esruHrat roaillllaai hardwaad gears 1 eslrrlwr af atlrartlvs approraan, SrU-lag prlea 810,000.
FOE RENT RKNIIIKNCE IT HIMIMH. Twa hsllis, Imt-water brat with slable aallslile far Baraev I raamHeaS to l.lrawseil Slsilaa. 1rr aaaum 1. 11, 000-. DANIELL PAGAN, IMIlljrNlllllf.il J1I ILDING, TelftHiV lirniON GTKRrjr FOB sale oiExomas A Iimls-f of rsrtlj-luesled huililing pbits Isilu furi'fllirr -Kisriini'lr1si priviUcliiinM-.
tYe.aill niske lhc lu still Ji; cssevif sato wiU ugraa in taka IsK-s umsf uf ihe imri'liMse iirk-a on inurigSgs anil In sulsinliimte In blinding lids slinuld ba ailriiellt'C In builders, will! non Id only nrad Iuvsat -h u-ry binnll mount id fbeir nwir csiilal, sml coukl subject to the junrtgagi-n at a good airadc fur inipnived pniH-rly. and put up cash fur snydiSac- nice In ynimlin. VAN NESS K.l KNTATK AND I NN( It AN 42 Warburton Yonkers, N.Y. 1 'L 1 you Want A Country Home WITH CITY 111 rati vuii a ipisrler-acra ptoi In heantiful 11 LlaSauoPa Bi-sr the corner of lha Tai-kwioe ilHI (iPIW Hurain wmiliL, Iliyli. hry ihhiriI? Jiio view of Hu- vaUey and Grassy Kiirsin Uka.
limsl anil lor gsnlcii and illy wslrr, fas amt i-lei-lrlc liglil. Trolley swa praiwriy. lidH fruin 3nI up. on iiaviiiuiits of 3340310 per month. Muncy kniusl to build.
67 Warburton Aveuuc. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? OO.SOO mill liny iiraallrul lima. Kuo iu two balhs, praMl Mem an artha EaaS larallaaa In Mouth Yeukera. liana ba all inadaro hnsnuMPSla, aleclrlc liabl, gas, aud Meant hedt, la A-1 euadllluaxhniuubum. Mual bdaold Iha few days, tlwaar leaving rlly.
Chance af a IlmiMia i tha boat bargala la the wltwl rlly, apply to il EDWARD P. baker; PHONE tat EOUIH BEOADWAT. ONE BLOCK TO TROLLEY Modern 1 1-room house-Weaia hsat, perfret condition, isttauMtlun now, msal surraundluga, will accept 3U.M0, terms 31.500 iu rash, baiuw an mortgage, On blurk from trolley. Gentleman's place, sparking and atfrartlv him a hot-water healing, open flre-plscs. romaa of got si sli ground with stalila and garagai -nimulctein sll isirtlculars.
Umld mt be dupll- -calrd for 317,000 will sail at Agues eufnddirsbly--teas part uu mortgage. -y A buslBusspruperty brlrk aad frame hi Ildlnga Mil IH for siinagaauil stables or maaufactanng; moderate pfitv. OBrt Ts las with Heat aad jnllsr Uerv Ice. Haanca Ta lroL Paralahod llaasa To Lai. LOAN ON KBAL BSTATH.
BELLontmi Haw Yaik aad CIV ,7. v-v1--- .1 i i SjA 'l j. Tj r' s. DANIEL B. BKICKIR FOB ALDERMAN.
doubt tlie- Re-piililfcan of tlie Seventh Ward will; redeem tlie ward, and-return the Common Coufieii reiresenta-Uve; to sueiiwl the', prevrit yiemoeratic nn mlier; To this end they have nominated for the tiff'a-e Dsniel '((. Brickcr, wlio. is one. of tWfulV.tsniiul eitizi'ns -tlie. ward, and who.
has been'. tcidcnt tlie section fot dl- year. 'He. property -owner and 1 emrsgtsi. in the of.
painting and HU friend, predict hi election by one-nf tlie largest pluralities given, fiit. a Ri'puhliean in the in Serving apprenticeship, in the pxiirting and 'deeoratiitg jrdiy iir. lirji-Jcei; entered tbe tlie jtiu-kl'yo. Engine of; service he -was given yliargr' of tlie paintrng and Alien tlie- Company opened a branch Philaile'lphia, lie i plum'd in ciiargei inter hewriit to a -'a representative, of Hie XVniipaiiy. BHil Afterward came to Yonker, aiiiTt 'lti' entered 1b mpln.r -the Oti Klcvafor' Company, Whore lie held the Kisi-tim of fiiremari of the painting department.
Tor 13. started ip. InidhcM' fur him.selL Auf enthusiastic Imwlef, MRrickcr one 'iif tlie' organ izerj of the- old' Yonkers Howling Club. lie is niiw. Cajitaiit of.
iha Seventh- Ward For many years he was' a. volunteer Iwihg one of of Hope- JliMik and. Ladder' compuriy: hiw Wfore ls-cn nominated ifor a hilt ha plwsy been active iu service for iis party. and Recitation. An exeelieut Mitertainment wA given under.
tliC' auspice the nmn of Christ 'hurch, at rtiian's .1 last evening, There waw a largo and apprifla-live aiiduaief, alio, ii-letwsl with hiasiifi'd eiijoynu-nt to tlie reisb-ring of the.yariou tlie attraetiye program, which folhiws llano Mis Reedf. J. Hpiwnli-e, Sleiifkt-sif-haml. W. .11.
llrapf. Tenor Over the -De-crt." Owsr -'Howiui, Mhis Alfarutta b'L (Jlee, do If by 'High' fh-himl toys fiiee Club, Piano Mia Rr and V.VV. Kicky Yoi'sjjiohi. ilisParvin Flute tb Sue Her Fane Brown he brolhera. Ibitatuai, Beli.
king. JtiV. io Tenth. Wedding Anniversary. Yeslenhiy- was- tbe liltli- anniversary' of.
tlie -wedding of Xk. li, Slater, North and liey wore given a surprise by tlie railroad friends of Mr-Slater from- New- Xprk Cityi- After decorating' the grounds witli paper ami confetti, tlie party serenaded the house wiili liorns amt eonletti. -r. Among those-'. present were'.
Xiri Frank Hedley, Xijsit Mr. and Xlrd'. J. lr-des, ami XIrs. Cjuirles Ellieott, Xlra; Iaitig, Ft.
I Rootfi, H. J. XVallerstedt, Mr. ami Mrs. (l.Woisl.
Xfr, and Mrs, A. J. Kenyon, Mr; and XIrs. R. F.
Hayes, Proctor Smith's Rich Find. Word' has reeiclied that Proctor ton of Gurmdius'Smitli, of avenue, jnbt mails a rich And in a fold mine fit tiie Ihircitjiiue 1 in Northern Canada. Colonel IJonel R. Stimrt-Westlierley. British V'iee Consul at Nurne.
is part owner, -with Mr, Rniitk of the and they yxpseting; great result from the projierty, Colonel Ftiiart-Wvaihfiley is now New To and shown some tiie gold taken out of tiie'miue. 1' Concert in Dayipiing Church. A splendid progrsm ha been prepared fair the eoncert' to lie given, by the elioir of the' Daysprinff Presiivterian Church, in the (liureh, tomorrow night; Thelefiplr will be assisted- by Albert Kelley, aoprane; (1, Magnus Rchuir, Imritone; Frank Rranin, violin. The chorus consists 30 voice. Misa Georgia Moore, tha organist, and Mist Margaret.
IbM will be the Park Hill Endeavorers Sodabla. TTi Christian Endeavor. Rock-tyrcf Park Hill 'Reformed'. Church held, a Halloween party after a short business meeting in tiie parlors' of the Chnrch, last night About 30 niemliera were present. Old-fashioned nl: loween games were, played; and appropriate refreehmente were, Maequeradf Ban gf Irvington CtHk 'f A masquerade ball will bis held on Wed: nasday evening, Nev.
ia tha Town Hail of Irvington, K. unde tiie awpice of WILLIAM PUNN FOR Winning iu A i-onfest' In the primaries for the llei)iliii'sn Supervisor of tlie-Sewiidi' Ward, Willinin Dunn has "shown stn-ngtb aniiingi iiis. pnriy Voter. Ilia Mipiihirity. among liis fellow-Htij-ns, tleino-erats as as Hc.juildii'trtK ii to insure In's inontji, a pfu ratify Xlr.puhn will add miu-li strength to tlie Yonkeb.
delegation' Tb-tlPl Board of HiilH-rvisors-.) He is a tnaiinf pliipg. er-son'ality. -epiirageoiis in tlie prew-ntatioii of his view v. and rsn lm reliid upon do iiffiWtiVe irk fr. Ji nard anii 'vjty -in fho Cuinity.dWrijle jieNl iii; siU'lit IV-jinIdiciHij ami gf tli.
ori-ginal'. fliwiiiiers'of flp- -N-veiitii Ili inis' d-im much yiKiniMiV serv'toe for ill. fau-ty. -V V' In 'iif younger dayL' Mr. Tlmiir was an i'ntjilisiust Cir atjilelie sjsn-ts.
mi Crsiveral years' wus well-kmwn iit the city a a Inn.1-iwM pldyer And He llas iUr jusir a viilnnloer tlhiiuii. lk-rng a uii'mlHT iif' Protection Engine' Citnilsiny ir: sod 'i irudir aei-i'n-TPitf. njw'a t-lu'. Kxtsttpt Eire-hleii's lienevnh'iit ill. hi fraternal iiirnli lie'-is kiiu'wh a so lie If the foeAl A.r'u-.rrf ih' Or, Ur of Eagles.
Mr. Dnjiii Inni. ireland, lialf a ei'ininry ag-K lmt; wi iireilrt liy liis iarenU. tV Sew 'York -City, wliei) ha resid.i sijH'e a nrv cbiliiet iy hi' was einplnyed for neve-rJl- yc.jrs..iti works Jt yle 'Al-maiiik'r Smith A X.mk Carja'i Company, imt for the last i-i year has been hi. the omjiloy if Sazindera' Am.
Easy to Tell a. Man in Love. Lady. Troulwidgiv ayV it 1 easy to tell whether -man i in She says' aiie eaii disguose a man's ease jiywt as easily A'-a djelor' csn-fell whether a boy ha measles, ltotls har their symptonw; and those sjmqitoms, -shi-say, are IJie surface. I.
It is cast wt of all, she mj-s, to find dill whether a boy or' a fool is in love. -She sdinit, however, tlie wUe-mtfn realiros is- bettor for him td ihUeltlilc, and that, it is' diult to diugnese hi but she IfoUki die ctn -do if. The 'wise site ay, that erocnfisl purpose; to keep his secret hidden, -except from onerfcrson. 1 Such' g. 'man.
may; hare reserve And may eeeic to.hhle affection from- -the eydt of stranpers or but rroubriilge i ronfideivt can be. $etecied hr watching him, She explain. he Will show hi. feeling Jy following with- hia eye the 'ieron of he is fond. or by little, and subconscious thing he will reveal 'his state of Marriages by.
Sign Language. The 'sign language is used frequently in marriage ceremonies, often, haiqiens ve A- preacher who carries out signs. Tlie bride and the bridegroom say VI will', tin tha wanc the contract binding ah' that of. the pair who cannot, write but. who make their maths, There Are more than 34WU signs' in in different part of tho woijd, and deaf and- umh 'persons hare; mattered so many of them they can carry im A etonvorsation with greater "rapidity can ApeAk' with thrif tongues.
signs are not merely letter, but are enniplefephikseA and aentoneas. A marriage service can lie performed much more quickly in the sign language than by word mouth. Sport' Fot Girls. -Who will hazard guess as to wbat will be. the next vogue in' society now that tlie rege tor rollerskating, although perhaps only tor the' has'aiflMidedf mdc- writer in The.Gentlewoinsti.
7 1 fancy that ball playing, the legitimate. olil ball of the Greet women and girls, will be engaged up-to-dafe- English women and their and. eniieh they need it lmth 'or mind and body. The women of ancient Greece, and more particularly the Aha moat graceful figure and bearing in the world; How did they. them! By.
gentle Will playing; of. and by wearing their JkitheLJoose. The Wedding The wedding ring is worn on ghe annular finger th fourth digit of the left hand because' It waa anciently believed, though the 'notion ha been expiodid by modcrTOtataljts7thatTAmiH artery raw from thia finger to tha CorintUai BaBoweea Party. -V, TliA YonkerS 'Corinthian Yacht Club will hT4 'atfoldfalqued Hal if ween party.to-aMfrow eveatof, in tbe Cinnouae, 'v r4 Dancing in the Barn. A'- mar wrade danefr sr-' ranged by Mrs.
Amo. waa given in tha new barn, 'uf the Sheffield Farms Slaw-; snu-Decker 2iB Womlworth sue, last night. About 30 samples were presenV Jr gUWUf Imliig attired in pretty or grotesque Mrs. Joftph lYylor Iwsh woman; and Percy Knapp a Scotchman, were the Muic Wa. fUrniehed by the-" Aetna The place wa decorated with American iUga and autumn leava.
Arthur Slneomb wa mart'er of ceremonies. There wera refwalrawnU. I Pun Food ea This Venn. jhe Willing' Worlwra of the Avenue Baptist Church' gave a pure 'food luncheon yesterday afternoon, In the lee; tnre room of the Church, umler the auspkws of the American. Kitehgn Product Company.
A large number were present, who. greatly 'enjoyed the delicious lunch, which was pro-' pared by the chef and served by. the ladiea of lha. Society. The UbU-s were prettily decorated with Autumn foliage and flower.
Wilson Rubien. Ogden W. Wilson tipi. Mi L. Ruhisa, Of Yonksrs, wire married, Qct.
by fter. Edmond V. DiH, pastor of SoutV JEeidwn PjMsbyterian Chiirch, his residence, .133 Caryl avenue. They were attended by Harry J. Magnl and Mi Edith-; Doyl.
Me. and Mrs. trill. nid is Yonkers. Musical and Literary.
A and literary entertrinment be given at tha Biya Mawr'Patk Pra-byteijan avenue, Saturday night. Itwtirlie under, the auspice of the pastor Bible elasa, and the prooceds Will he for the benefit Of the new Church, -V X-Rev. Chsrlei pwtor of TnfiIMylBoanVTSgsJl'Clnnh1ir iWng hkeepsie. K. an Chtirbian of the Board of Examiners of tb Jfew York ConferouM, I attending the meeting of the Bond At and presiding at the A house; farm or lot WC WILL MEET VOU ON THE SPOT.
OFFER WANTED Private home, consisting of ten roomi, hardwood finish throughout, steam heat, tile finish bath room, every Improvement plot about 50x 400 jortA. JroadWayT andQeu-woodi avenue section suing price only easy PRANK CURRAN, Philipsbnrgh BnDdieg, 4 HUDSON BTBEXT. I0NKEBS, N.Y TTMS SSI. PER nniME.